Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our Baby Girl is 5!!! OMG!!

Yep, that's right, our baby girl turned 5 today!!  How old…
She was up nice and early and desperate for her pressies so out they came….
a school bag for when she starts school next week!!  Dad was looking for the rest of the pressies but i had hidden them in the school bag!! lol!!

A ‘Spot’ book!! She has been totally obsessed by these lately! Every time we enter Kmart, we have to stop and read these books for at least 10mins so i knew it would be a winner!!

A new Wii game (is very hard to get the hang of tho, so will need to practice some more!)

And finally a ‘My Little Pony’ that she has known about for the past week cos we bought her little friend the same one, but i wouldn’t let her have hers!! lol!!

We had family dropping in ALL day, from lunch til well after bed time!  Lunch was fish and chips with Nan and Pa. Afternoon tea was party time with this cool ‘Shaun the Sheep’ made by Nanny with help from Jorja and Brodie to decorate it!! He was covered in huge marshmallows and licorice!!  Very clever!!

Followed by a few games on the Wii between Jorja and he ‘boyfriend’ Scott!!  They were boxing each other in this pic……

All this fun was followed by homemade pizzas for tea for anybody who was left and still hungry!!  Wow, just did a quick add up and we had almost 20 people drop in at some stage during the day!! Little miss is a little popular i think!! 
Anyway, she had a fantastic day, but was well and truly ready for bed when her head finally hit the pillow at 9.00 tonight!! 
Happy birthday my BIG baby girl!! 

Monday, July 18, 2011

36 Weeks!!

Wow, i have been super slack, lol, Have had very little mojo to scrap and have been sooo busy moving into our new home and getting settled in! Also with the impending birth of our 3rd and final bub, i haven’t really felt like doing anything!

Here is a pic of me at 36 weeks! Only 4 weeks left til D-Day!!  Ekkkk!!  Am i prepared for this?  To go back to the night feeds and little nappies and extra washing and, and, and….. lol!!  I’m sure once this little one is here and in my arms, i will forget about all the doubts and just take it in my stride.  Its just that it is coming sooo quickly now, and instead of living 5mins from the hospital, i now live 30mins, so i am going to have to be super organised!

Gotta love that view out my front windows!! I get to wake up to this EVERY day!!